Meet the Safeguarding Team

Mrs C Lahive


Desingated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs F Benson

Asst. Head / SENDCO

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs D Bowness

Pastoral Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss G Parsley

Deputy Head

Mrs E Liddy

Safeguarding Governor

What does a Designated Safeguarding Lead do?

The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead was specified in the Children Act 2004 and ensured the every organisation had a “named person” for safeguarding children and young people. Prior to that, the role had frequently been known as the Child Protection Officer. The Designated Safeguarding Person has a responsibility at both a strategic level within the organisation and on a day to day basis.

Key Aspects of the Designated Lead role includes:

  • Making sure all staff are aware how to raise safeguarding concerns

  • Ensuring all staff understand the symptoms of child abuse and neglect

  • Referring any concerns to social care

  • Monitoring children who are the subject of child protection plans

  • Maintaining accurate and secure child protection records

    Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility