Star of The Week

Maddie for being top of the leader board for words read AND top of the leader board for effort on T T Rockstars - we're super proud of you.

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5 star this week is Zion ! Amazing maths work, working so hard to understand new maths problems ! Never Gives up !!

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For giving 100% since being back but most importantly, for ALWAYS making everybody smile!

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Beau is our 5 star in Adder Class this week! She is always happy and bright, making others laugh and smile. She has produced some 5 star work and I couldn't be prouder! Well done, Beau!

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Herons Isaac for being kind and helping others with their work.

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Our 5 star this week is Dillon Fletcher for trying really hard this week, making all the right decisions and being really positive with his work. Well done Dillon

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Phoebe is our 5 Star.

Phoebe always brings the Christmas Spirit to our Bluebells classroom. In the mornings, she arrives with a big smile and brightens up our classroom. She wishes us all 'A Good Morning' and asks how we are.

She always spreads happiness with kind words to her friends and teachers.

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Sofia is our 5 star this week. She has been working hard with her phonics and trying so hard to learn the dance routines in the Christmas show!

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This week's 5 star in Otter Class is Marcus.

Marcus is a lovely member of a class! He was very enthusiastic when taking part in our Christmas performance. He has also been trying hard to improve his handwriting.

We are so proud of you Marcus! Keep up the hard work!

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Our 5 star in Acorn Class is George. He has entered school happily and enjoyed taking part in our Christmas video. Well done George.


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