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Gail Webb MBE: Co-chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 15 Jun 2021 to 14 Jun 2025

I am from Wallasey - born and bred and have enjoyed a long career in education and as I retire, I am fulfilling one of my ambitions to become a Governor in my own right.

I have worked in schools, for Local Authorities, the National Strategies and latterly for a Multi Agency Trust. These roles have been in a number of different places - Wirral, Halton, London, Oldham, Leeds and Somerset. I have not moved away from Wirral choosing to live away during the week and always coming home at the weekend.

Carl Carr: Co-chair of Governors

Parent Governor - Term of office from 24 Nov 2018 to 23 Nov 2022

My Name is Carl Carr and I have been a governor at Riverside for close to 15 years. I have had three of my children pass through the school, watched as Staff members arrive at the school and depart.

I live only minutes from the school so it is right in the heart of my community.

Working in North Wales, Riverside is probably the only thing that keeps me here.

Having travelled to London with Staff, to support them with their nomination in the TES awards, I believe that the creativity and compassion at this school is priceless, and put children on the right path to successful educational and Working lives.

Christina Lahive - Headteacher

Headteacher from 2015

After working in two other primary schools on The Wirral, I joined Riverside in January 2000 as Key Stage 2 Lead. I began my role as a governor when I was acting Head in October 2015 and it has been wonderful to watch different generations pass through our school and I was especially proud to have been able to appoint former students as members of staff. I brought my own daughter to Riverside because I wanted her to enjoy the best primary school experience possible - being taught and cared for by dedicated and talented staff.

It is a privilege to serve the Riverside community along with the rest of the governing body. I am extremely grateful for the time and commitment that they give to ensure our school is continually improving. Coming from a large family, one of my favourite things is spending time altogether. We love going to concerts and playing games, although we are all very competitive!

Emma Liddy: Co-chair of Curriculum Committee

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 27 Nov 2021 to 27 Nov 2025

My name is Emma Liddy and I have been a governor for 4 years now and I like to think that I am now officially a Riversider!

I was born and raised on Wirral and worked as a teacher in schools, in the UK and abroad, for 23 years. I now work as a lecturer in Teacher Education at Liverpool Hope University. In my spare time I love travelling, trying to speak French, playing tennis and going to watch LFC play.

My regular visits to Riverside are a real highlight for me and I adore the passion that the children show for their learning, especially how they enjoy and learn from the creative elements of the curriculum. My favourite place in school is currently Van Gogh's garden, a little bit of the South of France but in Seacombe!

Anne Noble: Chair of Finance Committee

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 15 Jul 2021 to 15 Jul 2025

My name is Anne Noble, I have 2 children at Riverside and live in the local area. I was born in Liverpool in the late 70’s and I am currently studying at Liverpool John Moore’s university – “Ancora Imparo”, I am still learning (Michelangelo, aged 87).

In my spare time I enjoy reading, mostly local history and myths and legends, as well as walking, taking in the amazing views the Wirral has to offer.

I have been a Governor at Riverside since 2017 and thoroughly enjoy supporting our children, the staff and local community. The commitment and enthusiasm from all of the Riverside team is abundantly clear when speaking to the children and seeing their work and numerous displays around the school. Riverside is truly an oasis of happiness and support, giving our children the confidence and inspiration to further develop into well rounded individuals.

Angela Murray: Curriculum Committee

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 8 Jul 2022 to 8 Jul 2026

My name is Angela Murray and I have been a Co-Opted Governor for 3 years, and a Parent Governor for 10 years before that.

I am a mum of 6 great kids ranging from 13 to 34 years old. I have lived in Riverside Primary School's catchment area for over 50 years. My children attended Riverside from nursery through to year 6. As a parent I understand the barriers our children and their families can face, at school and at home.

I became a Parent Governor because not only did I think my children's education was important, but so was there happiness. I needed to know they were thriving in a good environment and I wanted to be a part of it. I have many roles in school, I am a member of the PTA, Cleaner, Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant and I went back to college to study and gain a position as a Teaching Assistant.

I am a very proud member of Team Riverside, ensuring that ALL our children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential in a happy and caring environment.

Mary Lyons: Curriculum Committee

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 15 Sep 2021 to 14 Sep 2025

My long and varied teaching career eventually took me to Riverside Primary about sixteen years ago where I have been the most fortunate teacher on the planet … working with our wonderful Willows children.

The success of the Willows class over the years is a measure of the commitment, support and belief of the headteacher ( and previous headteacher) that each child can achieve greater success when given the opportunity to do so.

This ethos filters through to all staff at Riverside, a school where the level of mutual support for each other is almost tangible.

I am now privileged to continue my links with the school, and hope to be able to contribute towards the life of the school in my new role as a governor.

In my home life, I am married to Bob and we have two sons. We have a grandson who is twenty months old and another grandchild expected shortly.

I love to visit my family in Ireland and we hope to visit our son and his family in Kyiv, when it is safe to do so. Our favourite holiday destination is Italy, a country we learnt to like when our sons were at university there.

Paul Parsons: Finance Committee

Parent Governor - Term of office from 2 Jul 2021 to 1 Jul 2025

I'm Paul Parsons, and I’m in my first year of being a Parent Governor at Riverside.

As well as having a child at Riverside, I became more deeply involved in the school close to a year ago, when I started a campaign to the government about the need for essential and urgent funding. Leading onto wanted to be more involved within the school.

I’m husband to Sam, and father of two girls ; Amelia aged 7 who attends Riverside, and Evie aged 2.

I have worked for the NHS for over a decade, in clinical roles most commonly in operating theatres. Partly due to having had caring roles for many years, I am passionate about mental health and well-being.

Riverside’s catchment area is one I know very well, having lived all my life in Seacombe, in fact growing up just two minutes walk away from the school. I even did my work experience at Riverside when I was at college!

Laura DeJesus: Curriculum Committee

Staff Governor - Term of office from 3 Oct 2020 to 3 Oct 2024

Riverside is the only school I have ever worked in because, ‘there is no place like Riverside’. I joined Riverside in September 2012 as an F2 and Year One teacher. Since then I have been supported by the amazing SLT to become EYFS Lead and now Assistant head teacher at the best school in the world. I became a governor in 2016, as I wanted more opportunities to positively impact our school community; supporting staff, parents and ensuring a rich, creative curriculum for our children. I am so proud of all we do at Riverside that I would like my little girl to join us when I return from maternity leave.

My favourite thing to do is spending time with my family, especially when the sun is shining and we can enjoy the outdoors together.

Mary McManamon: Finance Committee

Co-opted Governor - Term of office from 27 Sep 2022 to 27 Sep 2026

Originally from Wallasey, I left to go to university in Leeds and then further for work living in London and York, and most recently returning to the Wirral after 30 years.

I am very interested to be a governor at Riverside, as I am revisiting the area that means a great deal to me, as I went to primary school in Seacombe. First impressions of Riverside are the fantastic connection with Governors and the Riverside community, and the passion and commitment to ensure pupils and the community have the best opportunities available to them. Riverside has a fantastic team spirit, and a real belief in staff and pupils, and the passion and drive is clear. In parallel to this is having the right facilitates to enable everyone to perform at their best and something that I believe is really important for creating experiences and capability building. My career is Supply Chain and Logistics and more recently Learning and Development of leaders in industry, to ensure we have a diverse and inclusive culture. So I am looking forward to being part of a wider Governor team, sharing my business skills and also being a team member to support the exciting new school development proposals. With such strong values, it is great to be part of this team. My interests are those of creativity such as photography, interior design, arts & music, plus travel, netball and cycling.